Crocus cucci ?

Jim McKenney
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 12:09:08 PDT
John L's isolation up on the Olympian peaks of crocusdom has evidently
sheltered him from the goings on in lowland gardens. 

Yes, there are yellow crocus, crocus with little or no trace of
orange/gold/bronze in the color.

Maybe we should take up a collection to buy him some of the so-called
chrysanthus hybrids such as 'Cream Beauty' and 'Moonlight'. And then there's
always the old one named for that crocus guy, Boules or whatever his name
was. Sad to say, I no longer grow these. 

Since he'll probably think these are new and rare, we can offer them in
trade for Crocus mathewii.

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the sun is out, the
breeze is blowing, things are drying out, and the house smells less like a
dirty clothes hamper. 

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