Ixiolirion tataricum - how hardy and long-lived is it?

Antennaria@aol.com Antennaria@aol.com
Sun, 04 Jun 2006 21:29:04 PDT
Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net wrote:
"As for its distribution and hardiness potential, this is difficult to 
deduce in the case of Central Asian bulbs. Those from the lower valleys may 
be rather tender, and those from higher elevations may require a strict, 
rather dry winter dormancy, just as plants from, say, the Rocky Mountains 
do. Do we know the elevational range of Ixiolirion?"

For Ixiolirion tataricum, the elevational range is not noted, but for another 
species, I. songaricum, it's listed as 400 m - 1600 m.  The geographical 
range of I. tataricum suggests hardiness in spite of elevational range, depending 
on the source of the plant.

From the eFlora of China:
Ixiolirion tataricum var. tataricum 

Perianth azure to dark violet, segments 1--7 mm wide, not connivent 
proximally into a pseudotube. Fl. Apr--Jun.

Valleys, sandy places, waste grasslands. N Xinjiang [Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, 
Pakistan, Russia, Turkmenistan].

Ixiolirion tataricum var. ixiolirioides (Regel) X. H. Qian, Bull. Bot. Res., 
Harbin. 4(2): 158. 1984. 

Kolpakowskia ixiolirioides Regel, Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 5: 
635. 1878; Ixiolirion ixiolirioides (Regel) Dandy; I. kolpakowskianum Regel.

Perianth light blue, segments 1--3 mm wide, laxly connivent proximally into a 
ca. 1 cm long pseudotube. Fl. Apr--May.

Stony slopes. N Xinjiang [Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan].

Rudolf Kamelin (pers. comm.) notes that this taxon differs from var. 
tataricum in other characters and would be better recognized at the rank of species.


Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States 
antennaria@aol.com "New England" USDA Zone 5
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