Tecophilaea info

Jacinda and Barry barryandjac@bigpond.com
Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:23:44 PDT
Hi Bill,

Your info was fantastic and I am so glad  that it was detailed for me.  I am
just starting to try some of the so called "more difficult" bulbs and
finding this a fascinating Hobby.

Would love to get info on obtaining some seed from you if I am able.  would
be greatly appreciated.  Bulbs have captivated my attention from an early
age  when I used to walk around my Mum's garden as a youngster and "help" by
searching for and uncovering the growing shoots of emerging plants!  LOL
Still think its wondrous even now!

Am taking much delight in involving my two littlies in the digging/ planting
process.  Still working on their delabelling and picking flower habits

Am loving hunting for hard to get varieties of bulbs and perusing

 What a great learning process this is!

Kind Regards

Wilson, West. Australia

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