Lilium publications available from NALS

Sims David
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 10:03:28 PDT

I would like to announce the availability of two items available from  
the North American Lily Society (NALS) that may be of interest to  
subscribers to this list.

The first is the new book "Martagon Lilies" by Eugene Fox. It is a  
182 page book dedicated entirely to martagon species and hybrids, and  
includes numerous line drawings, maps, and 16 pages of color photos.  
It starts with an excellent job of describing the species that belong  
to the martagon group, and goes on to discuss hybrids, hybridizing,  
and all aspects of culture and propagation.  I believe it is the only  
book available that is dedicated to martagons. Fox published the book  
himself, but it is available on the NALS web site.

The second is the NALS "Digital Yearbook" DVD, containing facsimiles  
of the first 50 NALS Yearbooks (1947-1997).  The Yearbooks have been  
converted into high quality graphic Adobe PDFs that can be viewed  
using the Adobe Acrobat Reader or other PDF viewers. All of the  
original text, graphics, and photos are included, and the files are  
suitable for on screen viewing or printing. The DVD is compatible  
with computers using Windows, Macintosh, or Linux operating systems.  
A DVD drive is required; the files can not be accessed from a CD  
drive.The DVD contains more than 6,800 pages of material, and is an  
economical alternative to collecting all of the printed yearbooks. It  
is a great resource for lilium research, as it contains 50 years  
worth of information about lilium species, hybrids, hybridization,  
and lily culture.

More information about these can be found at the NALS Store on the  
NALS website:

Thank you,

David Sims
NALS Web-master and Yearbook Editor

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