SIGNA Iris Species Database website

Lee Poulsen
Thu, 26 May 2005 17:13:58 PDT
While looking up information on the Gilboa Iris (Iris haynei), Google 
gave me the Signa Iris Species Database website 
<>. However, maybe it 
should be called the Irid Database website because it coves more than 
just Iris species. Maybe it should be added as another resource at the 
bottom of the PBS wiki Genus Index page since it gives a fair number of 
good photos as well as plant information on a lot of non-Iris Irid 
species such as Alophia, Anomatheca, and a few Babiana, Calydorea, 
Moraea, Rigidella, etc., and of course lots of Iris species.
Check it out.

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10

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