
Louise Parsons
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 16:06:55 PST
No one likes to be appropriated or to feel used. Legalities aside, it is common 
courtesy to ask permission before quoting in any other venue. Copyright laws 
are intended not only to protect creative, moral, and monetary rights, but also 
to allow authors to control the venue in which their work appears. Timeliness 
is important also. Authors, even in an informal setting, should have a decent 
opportunity to update or to otherwise re-think their remarks.

Even without the formality of footnotes, sources for quotes can be attributed. 
This gives fair credit to the source(s) and provides the reader who (and plenty 
outside of academia do! ) wishes to have greater context and more depth the 
opportunity to be able go to the original source. 

Legalities aside, if an author quotes extensively without permission, it just 
plain looks bad. If nothing else, it looks lazy. I don't see why just because 
the written word is in electronic form, such matters become more lenient with 
regard to giving credit where it is due AND asking permission. If the 
informality of the venue is the excuse for being lax with attribution, that is 
actually ~more unfair.

Here's why. If an author writes something informal or spontaneous to make a 
casual observation or to raise a point for discussion on a list such as this 
and the posting then becomes "up for grabs" in the realm of garden literature, 
that surely will become ~very inhibiting for discussion. I know that I would 
become much more guarded in what I wrote if I thought that it could suddenly 
turn up in a book! Bummer!

Cheers anyway, Louise

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