Hippeastrum seeds

Dell Sherk dells@voicenet.com
Wed, 20 Jul 2005 15:08:15 PDT
I must weigh in on this thread. I have germinated many seeds by flotation
Hipps, Cyrtanthus, rainlilies, Rodophialas, pamianthe and other South
Americans. Germination was always successful if the seed was fresh or
properly preserved (refrigerated), but the problem came in many cases when I
potted them and tried to grow them on. The losses were frequently great.
Mary Sue convinced me to try another technique:  on the surface of a
well-drained, moist potting medium deposit a layer of coarse sand perhaps
0.5 cm deep. Moisten the sand and make slits in the surface (I use a butter
knife). Into each slit I place one seed on edge leaving a little of the
papery seed coat protruding above the surface. Next, I mist the surface with
a dilute suspension of Captan fungicide to prevent damp-off and place the
pot into a wrm, humid propagation chamber - a plastic bag or a sheet of
glass or plastic on top will do. Germination is usually slower than with
flotation, but especially with Hipps, it is often 100% and there is little
or no loss with growing them on in the same pot where they germinated for a
year or so.

Give it a try,

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