Erythronium hendersonii

Laura & Dave
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 11:06:30 PDT
Julie, Nancy et al.
   I just thought I'd add my two cents about the seeds mentioned provided by Ron 
Ratco.  I've purchased seed the last two years, and the germination has been so 
good that the pots look like small, square patches of lawn!  The second year 
plants have come back from dormancy, with their first true leaves quite large 
and healthy (for second year leaves, of course).
   I also ran into a grower at the recent Oregon Hardy Plant Society sale, who 
has some plants of E. hendersonii, and possibly some seed.  The plants are now 
out of bloom, so you won't be able to see the color(s).
   His name is Douglas M. Chadwick, d.b.a. Oregon Native Plant Nursery (e-mail: I only know him from conversation at the sale, 
but he seemed knowledgeable and sincere about the oregon native species he 
specializes in. The plants he offered appeared to be well grown, with a number 
of unusual species.  Perhaps others have had dealings with this 
individual/nursery, and can offer more input.

Peace and good gardening
   Dave Brastow

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