Wiki Additions--Cyrtanthus, Dudleya

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 20 Oct 2004 07:43:45 PDT
Dear All,

Rob Hamilton has added a nice picture of Cyrtanthus falcatus to the wiki.…
Cyrtanthus falcatus is a beautiful trouble-free plant from Kwa Zulu-Natal. 
The "shepherd's crook" inflorescence emerges without warning in late spring 
and early summer. It is red or pinkish flushed green with a hint of yellow 
exterior of the tube and is soon followed by the broad bright green 
foliage. This is a remarkably tough species which easily withstand moisture 
during its winter dormant period.…
Photo by Rob Hamilton .

I also created a page for Dudleya. I remember thinking when the IBS Gallery 
added Dudleya, Dudleya? Could this really be a geophyte? Our local Dudleya 
hangs on the side of the cliffs overlooking the ocean and is evergreen. 
When there was one listed in the Northwest Natives seed list that was 
described as a geophyte (Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae, a California 
species ) I ordered the seed out of curiosity. It bloomed in less than a 
year from seed and returned again to bloom last spring. In case there are 
any doubters in the group I took a picture of its cormlike storage organ 
when it was dormant. Hopefully next year I can get a photograph of the 

Mary Sue

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