New herbertia species

Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:50:43 PST
Hi all:

Alberto Castillo and i have recently published in Brittonia a new species 
of Herbertia. Herbertia crosae inhabit stony grasslands in Uruguay. The new 
species resembles Herbertia lahue,  but can be distinguished by the smaller 
pale lilac flowers, the presence of yellow spots at the base of the tepals. 
The flowers of Herbertia crosae open during early afternoon and remain open 
untill the evening; this contrasts with the flowers of the other species of 
the genus that open early in the morning and close by midday.

We dedicate this species to Dr. Orfeo Crosa of the Facultad de Agronomía, 
Universidad de Uruguay, Montevideo.

You can find a picture of it in:…

You cna look at the abstract here:…

I still dont have the reprints and hope to obtain the .pdf file of the 
article soon.

Best wishes


Ing. Agr. MSc Germán Roitman
Cátedra de Jardinería FAUBA
Av. San Martín 4453. 1417. Buenos Aires

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