North American Clivia Society

Dennis Kramb
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 17:59:04 PST
At 10:20 PM 11/20/2004, you wrote:
>The North American Clivia Society is currently conducting a Clivia Auction 
>to support the 3rd International Huntington Clivia Symposium & Show to be 
>held Marc 26th and 27th, 2005.
>Please visit the following site for more information, 
><…> .
>Tom Wells

Are there any follow-up auctions for us poor people?  :-)  I am impressed 
these plants are going so well!  Unfortunately it's way outta my league 
already.  I plan to check back closer to the deadline just to see how much 
these babies really go for.  Wow!

Dennis in Cincinnati

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