hippeastrum seedling

J.E. Shields jshields@indy.net
Sun, 28 Nov 2004 06:58:01 PST
Hi Dennis,

Hippeastrum seedlings should be kept in continuous growth until the bulbs 
are up to bloom size.  Don't let them dry out or they will go 
dormant.  They often don't make it through a dry dormant period while they 
are still very small.

Too much moisture will rot them, the small seedlings are susceptible to 
damp-off, but drying out is just as likely to kill them.  Use Subdue 
fungicide to control damp-off.

I keep them under fluorescent lights, 16hrs on/8 hrs off, for about 2 years 
at least.

Drive up to Indy sometime, and I'd be happy to show you our set-up.

Best regards,
Jim Shields
in central Indiana

At 11:25 PM 11/27/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>About 4 years ago I purchased some Hippeastrums at the store.  I attempted 
>crossing different colored varieties with each other and got some 
>seeds.  Not knowing what I was doing, I planted them.  Many sprouted, but 
>eventually withered away.  Suffice it to say, only one is now left.
>About 2 years ago I learned "proper" care for mature Hippeastrums to get 
>them to rebloom.  A buddy taught me to plant them in my garden during the 
>warm summer months, and then lift them in winter.  It worked like a 
>charm!  So this past spring/summer I did the same with my seedling and it 
>nearly doubled in size.... to approximately that of a grape.
>At any rate, I recently lifted it and have it resting in my basement.  I 
>really would like to nurture this thing to bloom.  I did a bit of Googling 
>but couldn't find any good sites to get tips on raising them.  Is there 
>anyone on-line that could share a few pointers for me?  I'm hoping that in 
>2 years from now I can get it to be big enough to bloom.
>Dennis in Cincy
>pbs mailing list

Jim Shields             USDA Zone 5             Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92              WWW:    http://www.shieldsgardens.com/
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
Tel. ++1-317-867-3344     or      toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA

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