Narcissus vs. Daffodils

Jim McKenney
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 17:35:14 PST
Mary Sue asked:

>When I am summarizing a list I 
>am using botanical names to be consistent. When I am listing something like 
>Ambergate or putting a picture of something named on the wiki how is this 

Mary Sue, I think you'll find that standard usage for most purposes would
be Narcissus Ambergate. Depending on the context, the Narcissus will be
italicized or not, the Ambergate not italicized. Quotes are not used except
for Latin form cultivar names (the quotes distinguish the Latin form
cultivar names from proper botanical epithets).

In more specialized discussions, the division (horticultural
classification) may be cited between the word Narcissus and the cultivar name.

Does that answer your question? Does everyone else agree? 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, zone 7, who's no expert but loves his daffodils 

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