List for Spring Seed Sale

Alberto Castillo
Sun, 28 Mar 2004 18:21:23 PST
Dear Dell:
             I would be interested in the following if possible. Tomorrow 
29th I go to the hospital to have surgery on the 30th. I hope to be well 
soon. I have been working hard with my garden helper to tidy things up and 
am very satisfied with the results. It seems I will be have to be very 
careful with efforts for some 20 days but I will try to be back to the 
correspondance as soon as possible.
All the best
>Allium hyalinum
>Allium unifolium
>Bloomeria crocea
>Brodiaea elegans
>Calochortus catalinae
>Camas leichtlinii var suksdorfii
>Littonia modesta
>Sparaxis metelerkampiae

MSN Amor: busca tu ½ naranja

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