Lilium candidum

Angelo Porcelli
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 11:55:32 PDT

I don't know which climate is in OH, but what I can say on Lilium candidum
is that this is a true Mediterranean species, that is, winter growing and
needs an hot summer rest. Although originates in Middle East and Greece, it
is cultivated since the Roman Age and I read it was even know by the
Egyptians. It needs an alkaline soil, well drained and LOW in organic matter
( a shallow stony one is perfect), otherwise it will rot easily. It is also
sensitive to transplant and takes time to restablish, as the fleshy roots
are perennial. It doesn't develope roots from the base of the stalks, unlike
many other lilies. I split my clumps every 4-5 years, when they become too
crowded and replant immediately. Bulbs are put just at level soil, but I
leave their dried leaves on, as mulching, to protect them from excessive
sun. In autumn, after the basal whorl of leaves have developed, I spread
around a bit of superphosphate.
I don't give them either a drop of water and they grow with natural rains
only. It was used here as crop for cut flower many years ago, but nowadays
it has been replaced from many oriental hybrid and longiflorum, because
these can be forced to flower all year around.

Angelo Porcelli

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