Bulb Odds and ends

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Sun, 11 Jul 2004 08:09:33 PDT
Dear All;
	As summer's heat finally begins to hit, I spend a bit more 
time indoors and thought it was time for a report from the middle US.

	Amaryllis x johnsonii. After a couple years of trying this in 
pots in a cold frame and getting plants from various sources, last 
fall I planted a couple of small to medium sized bulbs outdoors in a 
2 places, both near the south side of my foundation in semi-sun. Last 
year was very dry and the winter fairly mild with a wetter than usual 
spring. It took a while, but both clumps have come up with no obvious 
loss but neither big enough to bloom. I hope they will give them a 
better growing year to establish and begin to show off later. So 
hardiness is still an iffy questions, but.... Tune in next year.

	Eucomis bicolor - same story as above, but four large 
seedlings were planted in an open buy heavily planted bed and well 
mulched. They were large enough that I expected bloom last fall, but 
did not get any. This spring all seemed to be mush, but were not 
planted over. Gradually some shoots emerged and now I think there are 
3 or 4 sprouts; not sure if they account for each of the previous 
year's bulbs or multiple sprouts from one or two. One looks big 
enough that I hope it might bloom later. This was a surprise as I had 
already counted them 'out'.
	Another one year test so tune in later.

	Gladiolus imbricatus- We discussed hardy Glads a few weeks 
ago. Nw this is the only 'species' with fertile seeds, just 
harvested. I'll see how many I have and send some on to the Seed Ex 
after planting a few more. No other 'species' (communis, byzantium, 
italicum etc. ) produced a single seed.

	Crinums - After a cool start, the Crinum bulbispermum are 
producing quantities of seed. These will go to the Seed Ex as soon as 
more ripen even as earlier seed begin to germinate on the shelf.
	C. bulbispermum is having a very long bloom season with more 
spikes emerging.
	C. "Catherine', my favorite has just begun to bloom with 
large white wide-open slightly fragrant flowers on tall spikes. 
Anyone have suggestions on what might cross with this to get seed?

	Lilies: Just one questions, I suppose an 'opinion'. Two newly 
planted  L. lancifolium double, the double flowered tiger lily, are 
up and growing. The literature suggests the flowers are curious, 
interesting or hideous? Anyone care to share their view on the 
grotesqueness of this oddity? Will I relegate it to the compost 
eventually or will it take over and haunt the garden forever?

	Also first Lycoris- L. sanguinea, from Japan. A bit early, 
but the orangey, terra-cotta flowers are always appreciated and 
remind of the Lycoris bloom season to come.

	Best	Jim W. from Kansas City, where it is starting to steam up!

Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
E-fax  419-781-8594

Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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