Fragrances that Surprise--TOW

Boyce Tankersley
Mon, 12 Apr 2004 15:04:34 PDT
I've never thought of Narcissus as being all that fragrant. Earlier in my horticulture career I am sure I must have stuck my nose in a few Daffodils and I know in my part-time high school job as a florist deliveryman they didn't seem to have a fragrance at all.

So imagine my surprise when my questing nose for the most wonderful fragrance late one spring brought me to a small flowered Narcissus with grasslike foliage - Narcissus jonquilla, or one of its hybrids. I've added to the 'must have's' of my garden and have enjoyed this fragrant delight ever since.

Boyce Tankersley
Northern suburbs of Chicago, USDA zone 5, where the snow pellets flew on Easter and rainfall is at the lowest levels in 117 years. Fortunately, most plants are still dormant and relatively immune to the very cold winds experienced recently. Oh Spring - Wherefor Art Thou!

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