TOW Favorite Sources

Douglas Westfall
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 10:14:40 PST
jennifer.hildebrand@att.netDoug Westfall jennifer.hildebrand@att.net1111
Claiborne Dr. Long Beach, CA
> I think that various universities' botanic gardens are also a great source.  I
> got some wonderful quality plants from the UCI bulb sale last weekend (thanks
> in large part to Doug Westfall, who selected some of the best for me!).  I'll
> be going to UCR's plant sale the first weekend in April, and I've been to the
> past 3 or 4.  I don't believe I've received any mislabeled plants from them in
> the past, and I really enjoy having so many experts gathered together as
> volunteers to share the experiences and give recommendations.


Thanks for the "GOOD word" on UCI.  Even though they struggle to stay alive,
Laura and the staff of volunteers do a very good job with somewhat limited


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