Allium schubertii
Sat, 08 Mar 2003 16:26:07 PST
Lauw, was it you who posted the photo of Allium schubertii?  There were two 
photos posted on the PBS wiki, one being a truncated "copy of" the former.  
They had the %20 symbol in the name and at the end due to blank spaces, so I 
renamed the photo and created a link in the PBS wiki "Big Ball Onions" page, 
and deleted the copy.  The updated url for the photo is:…

Please let me know who uploaded this fine photo so I can add your name as 
photographer to the image link.  By the way, the plant shown in the photo is 
simply stunning!

I'd like to hear from people who grow this plant, particularly in colder 
climates.  It's known to be somewhat tender, and certainly that has proved 
true in my northern Massachusetts climate.  I have to be satisfied with A. 
cristophii (note correct spelling, without the "h") to enjoy giant spidery 
balls of bloom.  Do others find this species (schubertii) tender?

Mark McDonough        Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States    "New England"               USDA Zone 5
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