Rhodophiala mendocina

GermánRoitman ggroiti@mail.agro.uba.ar
Sat, 29 Mar 2003 05:21:39 PST
Hi all:

Den Wilson remind me i have some pictures of Rhodophiala mendocina from 
Argentina i would like to share here:


Rhodophiala page:

According to Ravenna (Plant Life, 1970) Rhodophiala mendocina is a plant 
about 22-30 cm high, that grow in sandy places (as you can see in picture 
1-a) in Mendoza and Patagonia. He suspect that R. elwesii can be a 
subspecies of R. mendocina.

The 2 pictures were taken in different places but according to the species 
cited for Argentina only mendocina or elwesii has 3-5 flowered spathes and 
yellow flowers. The flowers in picture number 2-a resembles R. andicola 
one´s but this species produce 1 flowered spathes.

Best wishes


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