What's Blooming

John Ingram floralartistry2000@yahoo.com
Fri, 06 Jun 2003 08:17:47 PDT
Well, I don't have too much blooming right now how
about everyone else?
I have had some intermittent Sprekelia and
Hippeastrella blooms (gourmet slug salad I like to
call them), Queen Fabiola has a couple of spikes,
canna are starting to spike, lots of sinningias have
been blooming, sisyrinchiums are either starting or
just finishing, a few stray Zephyranthes/Habranthus
here and there, a Cypella from Plant Delights (I think
it is a cypella, looks like a cypella), Hymenocallis
harrisiana (just sprouted last week and now has spikes
coming out), a few Crinum here and there, some
Pelargoniums, and an alocasia that just woke up and
decided to produce a flower before a new leaf. 
Oh, and I almost forgot, I have a voodoo lily
(Sauromatum, which is hardy to z5 by the way) that is
open. I was going to go Wed and get a photo as it
would have been in perfect state but I didn't and
yesterday it had alreay flopped (and there was no
I am trying to get some hybrid seed on some of my
sinningias to try out for hardiness. If anyone lives
in a zone 7-9 and would like to try some out, let me
know. I need to get some feedback.
Also, I would like to highly recommend Sisyrinchium
'Puerto Yellow' that I originally recieved from Plant
Delights. I purchased one plant (quart size) last
spring. I have sold at least 6 or 8 plants (one gallon
size) and just divided 5 more 1 gallon yesterday. I
now have 27 1 gallon containers. This little trouper
was planted in my really crappy clay soil that I
purchased as 50/50 mix and it not only flowered its
little heart out since Nov. but it widened the leaf
size and increased (obviously) well.
Over all I give it a 2 thumbs up. 

John Ingram in mostly gloomy but warm, L.A., CA. 
Not much blooming right now, just a few Crinums, a sinningia or two, and some fabulous Pelergoniums.

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