Calochortus 'Golden Orb'

Douglas Westfall
Sun, 01 Jun 2003 21:23:18 PDT
James WaddickDoug Westfall jwaddick@kc.rr.com1111 Claiborne Dr. Long Beach,

> Doug;
> Don't know where you live, but assume he Calochortus is
> blooming now. I have a single bulb in bloom now too (Zone 5 Kansas
> City). One of two survivors out of a dozen. I expect a second flower
> soon. Can anyone with experience growing Calochortus in colder
> climate suggest other survivors?
> Wish there were more and easier.
> Best Jim W.

I found this info. on the web.
Planting Guide: Calochortus "Golden Orb" (F)
Calochortus luteus is a wildflower, often called Mariposa Tulip, native to
California but hard to grow elsewhere. This excellent selection is more
adaptable and grows well in Zones 5-8 (in Zone 5, mulch well in winter).
These bulbs like very well-drained soil and a sheltered, sunny or partly
shaded location. Set bulbs 3²-4² deep and 4²-6² apart in clusters. A fine
cut flower in late spring/early summer; stems are 12²-14² tall. Can also be
grown in greenhouse or sunroom.

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