
Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:24:51 PDT
Dear All,

Because I was giving seed to the BX and will be giving more soon of 
Sparaxis I created a Sparaxis page. Most of these were blooming in my 
garden in March and April. I was very sad to discover more than a year ago 
that the pretty markings in my Sparaxis meant they were virused. In spite 
of being virused they were good bloomers and increasing well. I have tried 
to dig out all the ones I thought could be virused even if they didn't show 
any signs of it. All the ones in the pictures on the Wiki were grown from 
seed in the last couple of years. Many of them bloom in the second year 
from seed. Sparaxis aren't long bloomers (they have a couple of weeks of 
glory), but I think they are really charming and some of the combinations 
you get when you grow seed that is open pollinated are delightful.…

Mary Sue 

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