Dear all Recent scientific studies using DNA sequencing technology have shown that what we know as Scilla actually appear to have multiple evolutionary origins. Therefore it seemed reasonable to recognise each coherent group as separate genera. The following lists these new or resurrected genera that have been proposed. Firstly, Scilla lazulina from Zimbabwe appears to be the most primitive 'Scilla'. Was put into Merwilla (see below) before DNA sequencing showed otherwise. No genus name has yet been proposed. Pseudoprospero: only 1 species, P. firmifolium. Instantly recognisable in frequently having a side branch on the flower scape. Summer-growing. Apparently the second-most primitive of the 'Scillas'. The remaining 'Scillas' belong to 2 geographical groups: sub-Saharan African/Indian (which also includes Lachenalia, Ledebouria, Massonia, Daubenya, Drimiopsis, etc.) and North African/European/Asian (also including Hyacinthus, Bellevalia, Hyacinthella, Muscari, etc.). The following belong to the first group: Merwilla: S. natalensis, S. dracomontana, S. kraussii: summer-growing, winter-dormant. The most primitive genus in the African/Indian group. One scape per season. Seeds whitish and papery. Unfertilised flowers drop off. Spetaea: only 1 species, S. lachenaliiflora. Until 2003 it was known as Scilla plumbea (actually a mystery plant that may be a colour form of S. natalensis). An evergreen, mountain-dwelling species from the Cape. Found to be most closely related to Daubenya! Schizocarphus: S. nervosus, which may actually represent more than one species. Summer-growing. Multiple scapes per season. Seeds black, ovoid. Unfertilised flowers drop off. The Eurasian genera (which follow), fall into 4 groups: Most primitive is Barnardia: B. numidica (N Africa) and B. japonica (east Asia, which may or may not represent more than 1 species). Both flower in the autumn before the leaves have developed. Bracts and bracteoles (smaller, secondary bracts) present. Compare to Prospero. Next is a group of genera mainly based in the western Mediterranean region. This group also includes Brimeura and Hyacinthoides. Oncostema: the so-called Cuban or Peruvian lilies, such as O. peruviana, O. sicula, O. hughii, etc. (possibly as many as 10 species). Bracts large but bracteoles tiny. Usually coarse plants. Tractema: such as T. verna, T. monophyllos, T. liliohyacinthus. Bracts largish, bracteoles absent, otherwise like a miniature Oncostema; may or may not be closer to Brimeura. Autonoe: such as A. haemorrhoidalis, A. madeirensis, etc. Large plants, distinct in having orange to purple, fleshy fruits and unique in the Hyacinthaceae in not producing nectar. Seeds quite large. Following is a group mainly from the Middle East; it also includes Hyacinthus, Hyacinthella, Puschkinia, and probably Alrawia. Prospero: such as P. autumnale, P. obtusifolium, P. hanburii. Autumn-flowering before the leaves have fully developed. Bracts and bracteoles absent. Many new species have been described that are difficult to tell apart. Othocallis: such as O. siberica, O. miczenkoana, O. rosenii. Tepals fall off when spent. Multiple scapes per season, semiterete (semicircular in cross-section), floppy in fruit. Capsule succulent; seeds black to yellowish, warty, sometimes with an appendage. Fessia: such as F. greilhuberi, F. hohenackeri. Similar to Othocallis but with very different seeds: always glossy black, lacking any appendages. Anthers rather large. Tepals persistent. Pfosseria; only 1 species, P. bithynica. Similar to Othocallis, but seeds without an appendage; flowers dense and starry. Tepals persistent. Zagrosia: only 1 species, Z. persica. Related to the previous 3 (as well as to Hyacinthus), but scapes remaining rigid, capsules dry and papery. (Hyacinthus is most similar to Othocallis but has thick scapes and anthers with pointed extremities; the flowers have persistent tepals and their distinctive hyacinth shape.) The final group has a similar geographical distribution to the previous group. It also includes Bellevalia and Muscari. Nectaroscilla: only 1 species, N. hyacinthoides. Scape 1 per season. Bracts and bracteoles small. Plants large, bulbs with woolly extensible threads. Seeds medium-large. Scape smooth, terete (circular in cross-section). Chouardia: C. litardierei and C. lakusicii. Like a small Nectaroscilla but with membranous bulb tunics and much smaller seeds. Scape ribbed. Schnarfia: S. messeniaca and S. albanica. Capsules somewhat succulent. Scapes semiterete and floppy in fruit. Bracts and bracteoles small. Very distinctive seeds, glossy brown-yellow with a solid appendage. Several scapes per season. Finally, what is left of Scilla includes species such as S. bifolia as well as the now defunct genus Chionodoxa (which itself forms 2 unrelated groups). One scape per season, terete but flopping over in fruit. Bracts small to absent, bracteoles absent. Capsules slightly succulent. Seeds glossy, yellowish to black, with a soft appendage. Furthermore, no evidence exists to support the separation of Muscari into the genera Muscarimia, Leopoldia, or Pseudomuscari. The differences between these genera may seem minor, but the only thing they all have in common is the bluish, star-shaped flowers (which appears to be a primitive characteristic). Any attempt to reduce the number of genera (by coalescing related ones) would cause the disappearance of many well-established ones, as well as making these new super-genera difficult if not impossible to define. Definitely controversial! Regards Julian Slade