Bulbs that flower without leaves--TOW

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Sun, 03 Aug 2003 12:40:01 PDT
>Dear Jim W.,
>Wow, you've raised some interesting questions.

Calendar Year/versus Growing season.
	I think this is a zonal problem. Here everything is basically 
calendar as winter stops most foliage.
	In Medit areas, the summer stops a lot of foliage and the 
season goes from fall to spring.
	Since this is the PACIFIC BULB SOC. -I'll bow to 'growing 
season' considerations.

	Even so Lycoris can be a bit of a problem as some  mentioned 
with spec. such as L. radiata. One of the few to bloom in late 
summer/fall and then puts up foliage from late fall to early spring. 
Is this foliage first (spring) or flowers first -Fall?
	More common species  produce foliage for a few months in 
spring, but bloom in fall. That's foliage first.
>As some of the posts already indicate there may be a fine line 
>between plants in A and B as some produce flowers and very quickly 
>the leaves follow.

	I think your idea was to concentrate on bulbs where there is 
a fairly major gap between foliage and bloom. And the grower needs to 
decide which come first seasonally or chronologically. I always think 
of Lycoris having foliage first and fall blooming. This is based on 
all species basically going dormant in spring when foliage fades. But 
I can see where those with fall foliage might appear to have flowers 
preceding foliage. Still there is a major gap and there is no remnant 
of foliage when the flowers bloom and that should be the key 

	So the topic is:

	"Flowers that bloom at least a month before or after foliage".

	Right?		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
E-fax  419-781-8594

Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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