Rob Hamilton's wiki page

Mary Sue Ittner
Wed, 09 Apr 2003 10:32:06 PDT
Dear All,

I have been encouraging people who contribute to the wiki to make pages 
about themselves. Sometimes they need a bit of encouragement, but not 
always. Hopefully we'll have something up about everyone one of these days.

I try to monitor the wiki every day to see if there are corrections I need 
to make and often am delighted with new information that is making its way 
there. Not everyone (including yours truly) announces to the group when 
information or pictures are added so I invite everyone to check out the 
recent changes which you can access from the home page on the top.

Today when I was removing some files that had problems I noticed a few 
files with names that didn't seem to be connected to plants. With a little 
detective work I have figured them out. Rob Hamilton has added some 
pictures to his wiki page showing the beautiful area where he lives and a 
picture of him with his sons. I so enjoyed seeing these pictures that I 
wanted to point his wiki page out to everyone else.…

Mary Sue
PBS list Administrator

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