
Cameron McMaster
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 01:49:51 PDT
 Hi All             
             Cameron and Rhoda McMaster here (Stutterheim, E. 

Cape), and glad to be able to join in, although we are great lurkers too!   
Cameron has had a great interest in the SA veld all his life, and as a result 
is  very familiar with whatever occurs in the  Eastern 
Cape,  especially bulbs & orchids, cycads, aloes, trees, birds and 
butterflies,  with bulbs being the main interest these days.  I have had 
a strong desire to grow bulbs ever since my parents gave me some Sprekelia, 
Cyclamen and Hyacinths to grow  at the age of  12.   When I lived in 
Cape Town  I was involved with  a small commercial nursery, 
Rust-en-Vrede, for about ten years up to the mid-eighties, growing winter 
rainfall species.   Cameron and I concentrate on SA bulbs now, mainly from 
the summer rainfall region.   Next April we'll be moving from 
Stutterheim  to a half-acre  property in the village of  Napier 
(Western Cape, south of Caledon near Bredasdorp), so that  will mean a shift 
to the winter rainfall species.    Our nursery moves with us, seriously 
condensed!   Luckily there are many smallholdings around us, so we will have 
to hire a patch from a neighbour.   What an upheaval   -   I've been 
reading about Dash's move (on the AB group)  and haven't been 
comforted.     But I'm looking forward to growing the W. Cape bulbs 
again, and to expanding my clivia collection.             
             Rhoda McMaster           

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