Favorite URLS - Scilla natalensis

Cathy Craig batlette@cox.net
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 15:45:49 PST
Hi all,

At the time I was growing these I had shelves and shelves of plantlets in a
plant stand and simply could not take proper care of them all. (I have since
limited myself to what I think I can care for when ordering seeds and
bulbs). So I have one bulb I kept, Mary Sue. It bloomed last year, not
spectacularly, but it bloomed (too much shade). I potted it up a size and it
has an offset now and is going dormant once more. Every time I look at this
bulb I think about the photo Sir Peter once posted of his! Frankly I am not
quite convinced it is a 'pot' plant and would likely prefer an in-ground
situation. Someone once told me it made a fine garden plant, Jack Elliott if
memory serves.

Cathy Craig President PBS
Maritime zone 9b

 Cathy Craig was much more
> > successful with her seed. How many do you still have Cathy?

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