Eustephia jujuyensis etc.

Den Wilson
Fri, 27 Dec 2002 22:34:18 PST

Eustephia jujuyensis (I can't throw any light on the validity of the name)
makes a big bulb with a long neck. I also dry mine off in winter but it will
only flower if it gets a prolonged cold spell. It will take temperatures all
the way down to freezing but I keep mine just frost-free and it flowers
regularly in spring. Phaedranassa dubia may be a little
more tender and will flower any time of year following an 8 week enforced
dry spell, otherwise it will remain evergreen. After flowering, it must be
given a minimum 4-month growing period and thus it will flower twice a
year. It is a very handsome plant and ideal for bringing into flower for
special occasions.
I grow both in very lean, gritty compost with occasional feeds of weak (25%
normal strength) high-potash liquid fertilizer.

I have trouble flowering Eucrosia bicolor.

Good luck.

Den Wilson
Isle of Wight

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