One year from seed

Mary Sue Ittner
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 10:54:01 PDT
Dear All,

The idea of this is to start with one year and then when we have the data 
for all those things  go to two years and so on. Eventually we could get to 
six years or seven years or whatever. If everyone sends information about 
everything at once I think it will be a huge job to compile the results. If 
we just have a list of species for one year, two years, three years I think 
it would be easier to keep track of and later we could sort to include the 
ranges for each species (eg 1-3 years from seed or whatever). However, if 
anyone wants to volunteer to collect data the other way and is willing to 
let people send their results of how long it took to get various things to 
bloom speak up. It would be a great service to us all. Later in the week I 
will search my data base and report on any things I got to bloom in one 
year from seed. There are a few I think, but probably not a lot.

And from Nov. 1997 on the IBS forum here is what I saved. I can't search 
for the prior thread since I do not have access to the archives. But 
someone else might be able to do it.

Dear Will,
nice to see you growing one of my favorites, Ixia paniculata.
Add to that list of seed in one year the very beautiful Ixia viridflora -
from seed I got from the Botanical Society of South Africa last year and is
most spectacular!

Bill Richardson
Dear all,

Last year we had a conversation thread about bulbs that would flower in
one year from seed.

My additions to the list are;
Hesperantha falcata
Morphixia paniculata (Note from Mary Sue--this must be Ixia as referred to 
my Bill)
Babiana tubulosa ssp. tubulosa
Pelargonium appendiculatum
Allium flavum

All sown end of March and flowered in Spring, I didn't push them either.

All the best

Will Ashburner

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