Tritoniopsis (formerly Anapalina) caffra
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 22:09:25 PDT
Mary Sue,

The Tritoniopsis was grown from seed, I think from the IBS a few years ago.  
I can check if any one needs to know.  I start all seed in a mixture of 
coconut fiber, perlite and sand, about equal parts of each, with the seeds 
placed on top of a very wet mix, and started in a plastic bag.  As soon as 
germination starts I take them out of the bag.  I kept the youg plants in 
relatively small pots for a year, then planted them out in a raised bulb bed. 
 They get light watering from a lawn sprinkler (nearly every day) in the 
summer, but just rain from when ever the night temperatures drop below 50 
until they get above 50.  Usually November to March.  The bulb bed mix is 
native (Southern California) aluvial soil, mixed with some pumice, and a long 
time ago some organic compost.  The bed is covered with red rock (Home Depot 
stuff).  I do fertilize when in active growth, spraying all of the bulbs a 
few times.  In the same bed, and adjacent to the Trits are Kniphofia uvaria, 
some Ornithogalum and some Urginea.  It blooms repeatedly, and seems to be 
increasing slowly.  I don't disturb the bulbs during or after growing, and 
just pull off the brown leaves, long after they have died back.  Not much 
very special.  They make lots of seed.  The seed pods are as interesting as 
the flowers.

The albuca circinata is seed from plants originally from Silverhill (2000 
catalog).  These are wonderful albucas,  The leaves are about 8 inches long, 
straight and narrow, and then make a single 1/2 loop at the end.  Typical 
albuca flowers, white and green.  I grow it for the leaves.  I found it 
necessary to hand polinate the flowers to get seed.  What ever does it in 
South Africa doesn't come to my back yard.  Two years from seed to flower, 
seed planted in April 2000.  They also offset, but not much so far.  The 
plants are young, and like all albucas do better in bigger pots than you 
might expect.  My flowering plants were in 5 x 5 round pots.  I haven't tried 
these in the ground yet, but I'm sure they would do fine.


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